Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Unscripted Serendipity

I chose the title of this blog Unscripted Serendipity because though it is redundant, it spoke to me.

Life is unscripted no matter how much planning we put into it.  And oh, how I love to plan.  I enjoy planning so much that I searched long and hard for a planner that would meet my needs.
Then I so gratefully stumbled upon one that is a mere 400ish pages and spans an entire decade.  Yes, ten years in one book.  I never leave home without it.
If you are a planner like me, this incredible book can be found here.

It is sold as a journal, but I don't use it to journal, I use it to write in birthdays, appointments, upcoming vacations, work schedules, important events and anything I must not forget.  Because not only do I love to plan, but I have the worst memory.  I'll talk about that another day.  Maybe.  Eh, maybe not.

Life is also filled with serendipity.  Some of us have to learn to look for serendipity.  Yes, I realize that seems completely counter to the core definition of serendipity as it truly means to find something fortunate by accident.  So how can you accidentally find something you are looking for?  By quitting.  Okay, okay so I am starting to make you think and you aren't here to think, you are here for entertainment just like anyone who reads a blog.

Well, I hope this little lesson will entertain you.  Quit looking for things that are unfortunate.  Quit expecting things to not work out.  Quit seeing the clouds and the rain and the mud puddles and start seeing the shapes of the clouds, start enjoying the green grass that grows only because of the rain and start playing in the puddles.  Or if you just can't see yourself jumping in a puddle, at least watch a bird enjoy one.  But I highly recommend jumping outside your comfort level and at least stomping in the edge of a puddle.

If we allow life to provide us with moments where we just allow our well made plans to go awry, we just may end up finding serendipity looking us right in the face.  And if you don't slow down enough to allow those plans to be flexible, that serendipity just might walk right on past you without a second glance.

Plan.  Please, oh please do plan.  There are far too many people out there just flying by the seat of their pants and that can cause incredible chaos in their lives and the lives of those around them.  By all means plan.

Plan dinner, plan vacations, plan to do the laundry, plan to cut your hair, plan for your retirement.  And within all of those, allow for flexibility.

If you burn your dinner, maybe you'll finally try that new recipe and discover a favourite you never knew you had.
If you miss your flight while heading to your vacation destination, maybe you will meet the love of your life in the airport.
If a new pair of black jeans accidentally gets tossed in with your favourite sweater, maybe you discover a new invention while searching for how to remove the stain and become financially independent.
If the stylist doesn't do the style you asked for, maybe you give someone else the confidence to try something new and your style grows out into a new one you love and would never have tried.
If your retirement needs to come earlier than you thought due to company restructuring, maybe the extra VIP you opted for will cover the unexpected expenses and you get to go to Maui.

I am not one hundred percent decided yet what this blog will be about, exactly.  I guess that is why the title is perfect for what I am about to embark on... on what I am about to embark?  One of those is right and they both sound wrong.  Eh, I'm leaving it exactly like that.

Plan to let life happen.  Keep your head up, your eyes open and your heart willing.


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